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viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Tips on losing weight

Being overweight has its inherent dangers and can even result in death. Ask the 300,000 to 400,000 people who die each year in the United States due to weight-related complications across the board. Weight gain, which is also known as obesity, is defined as having a BMI or body mass index of 25-59. Body mass index is calculated by dividing weight with height and then squaring the answer. 

tips on losing weight

Many people have realized the dangers of having a BMI that is above the recommended figure. Overweight people suffer from low self-esteem, lack of sleep or sleeping disorders, chronic fatigue and even a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes. Obesity also depresses the body’s immune system thereby making it susceptible to a malady of ailments from the common cold to the full blown flu.

There are however, ways to beat weight gain. One of them is to educate you regarding nutrition. It is surprising to note just how many people cook food or eat food without the slightest regard to what is contained in those foods or how many calories are therein. This is common. But it can change. Whenever you buy food at the grocery store, read the label and see what ingredients and locked up in the food and how many calories are there. 

Also search online for weight loss forums where people are discussing nutrition issues and you will get a treasure drove of information on how to eat right and become healthier.
The Internet also affords you information on the right recipes and how to eat the foods that have the right nutrition mix. The food pyramid website managed by the USFDA has a ton of information regarding proper nutrition and should be in everyone’s arsenal in the battle to lose weight. Exercise is off course another great way.

Simple steps to lose your belly fat

Belly is one of the most disturbing aspects of one’s personal health. Fat in general can be hazardous to one’s health. This is because it can become a source of unhealthy trans fats travelling through the blood stream and cause artery blockages and hence strokes. Belly fat can also create a habitation that is suitable for disease-carrying viruses and bacteria. It has also been proven that people who are obese struggle with a myriad of complications such as depression, low self-esteem and acute fatigue syndrome. But there are steps you can take to lose belly fat.

simple steps to lose your belly fat

When grocery shopping, be vigilant as to what you purchase. This involves reading the package details of the items you are buying to make sure that the calorie level is acceptable. Many people do not take this crucial precaution and purchase food based on appetite and craving. This results in foods that have a high calorie level ending up in the pantry and finally in the dinner table.

Another step that helps is to exercise. Some people are thrown off by the discipline involved in enrolling at gym or hiring a personal fitness expert. But this need not be a deterrent. Simple exercises can be done by jogging or walking around the neighborhood. Sometimes, even this jogging can prove a problem. In such a case, you can simply make it a habit to be walking short distances rather than driving.

You can also lose belly fat by getting as much information as possible. They say knowledge is power and without knowledge, many fall off the edge. Arming yourself with knowledge involves simply taking the initiative to learn about the reasons why belly fat accumulates in the body and also joining online forums where people who are afflicted by the same condition discuss issues of importance

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Losing weight without starving yourself

There are many ways to lose weight without drastically cutting down on diet. Many people who are overweight get discouraged when they hear that they have to cut down on their food intake but this is not necessarily true. One can lose a sizeable amount of weight and still be eating some of their favorite foods. This is not entirely difficult especially knowing that there are many that are doing that. Let us examine one way one can achieve this.

One way of losing weight without starving themselves is to get as much education as possible. This means going to the Internet and reading as much information as possible on ways in which one can lose weight all while maintaining many of their eating habits. There are weight loss forums which provide a wealth of information to someone looking on how to inject some wisdom into their diet plan.

losing weight without starving yourself

 These forums are full of opinions and practical ideals from people who have triumphed over weight gain and this information is invaluable. What makes forums so potent when it comes to the battle against weight gain is that they are interactive. Once you sign up you can easily begin to post opinions of your own and even ask questions.

Another way to lose weight without necessarily starving yourself is to get on an expert diet. A quick search of the Internet reveals that there are many diets, some cheap and some costly that you can get into. The Atkins diet for instance, allows you to continue eating much of the same quantities of food you were eating before but you eliminate most of the culprits of weight gain such as fats and carbohydrates. 

Reading the labels when shopping also ensures that you buy only that which has low fat and low cabs. This is what is called wise dieting.

Is exercise the best way to lose weight?

The current enrollment in many gymnasiums and fitness centers immediately tells us that more and more people are realizing that being over Weight is a burden not just to their health but it may also endanger their very lives. A total of 300,000 or more people die each year simply because they are overweight. 

This means that they succumbed to illnesses which were directly caused by their having a BMI that is higher than is recommended by nutritionists. People who are overweight also struggle with issues such as chronic fatigue, sleeping disorders, risk of heart diseases and also low self esteem which is amplified by the general media in that it portrays the skinny models or males with six-packs as being the ideal standard.

is exercise the best way to lose weight

There are a few ways you can take to win the battle against weight gain. One of them is exercise. A sizeable number of people are overweight because they live a sedentary lifestyle, that is, a life that is devoid of exercise or much physical exertion. Nowhere is that so than in the US where there is a vehicle for every two people and people prefer to drive even for ridiculously short distances. 

This, coupled with a junk food society, causes people to become overweight easily. Enrolling in a gym is ideal because it helps you shed the excess weight. In case your budget does not allow you to enroll in a quality fitness club, you can easily take matters into your own hands and jog on your own or simply walk around the block.

Eating right is also a great way to fight weight gain. Choosing foods that have low fats and low carbohydrates is the way to smart shopping. 

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

How to lose inches from your body

A cursory glance at the Internet and the media in general will tell you that almost everyone is obsessed with the way they look, or in other words, many people want to become leaner. This is because people have learnt the dangers of possessing a BMI or body mass index that is higher than recommended by doctors and nutritionists. To learn what your BMI is, ask your doctor whenever you pay him or her a visit and she will be most glad to inform you or simply go to the food pyramid website that is run by the USFDA.

how to lose inches from your body

Losing inches from one’s body has become paramount for most people. This is because close to 400,000 people die every year in the United States because of complications arising from being overweight. This is because being overweight poses a variety of problems one of them being the high risk of stroke and heart attacks that come from major arteries being blocked by trans fat deposits. Another problem is low self-esteem and others include poor breathing, sleep disorders, low immunity to diseases and chronic fatigue which comes from the body struggling to supply the entire body mass with blood and oxygen.

One of the best ways to lose weight is to exercise regularly. Obesity especially in the US comes from living a lifestyle which is devoid of any form of exercise. Enrolling at the gym is a sure start and if your budget does not allow you then you can start by walking around your compound or neighborhood. 
Another way is watching one’s diet. Deliberately choosing food that has low trans fats and low on carbohydrates definitely puts weight gain on a notice. You can also search the Internet for dietary plans and enroll in them if your budget permits. Some are costly but most are within the reach of the average person.

How to lose belly fat

We live in an error which we call the information age. This is because information is being beamed to us in real time and in so many variations that it is hard to keep up. One of the benefits of this blitz in information is the fact that we have come to know plenty especially when it comes to our bodies. One area is in belly fat which affects about 40% of the US population.

how to lose belly fat

Belly fat is brought about by various factors. One of them is cholesterol intake that surpasses the ability of the body to burn it and converts it into energy. The excess cholesterol is then converted to fat and stored in the belly. Another reason is obviously excessive eating and failing to watch what one eats. This is more so especially for this present generation which is hard-pressed for time. When one is pressed for time, they opt for junk food instead of a carefully prepared meal. Another reason is genetically related. There are people with a thyroid glad that malfunctions and causes the body metabolism to be below optimum.

One great way to lose belly fat is to exercise. Since fat can be accumulated by the failure of the body metabolism to burn excess fat, this only makes sense and more and more people are realizing how important this is. 

Exercises such as sit-ups are crucial in the shedding of excess belly fat and they work regardless of whether one is a man or a woman. Many people claim they do not have time to exercise but 20 sit-ups every morning before going off to work can go a long way in getting fat belly down to where it should be. Unless one realizes that the problem lies with excess build-up, then they will not set time aside for exercise.

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

How dieting can affect weight loss

Excess weight is often referred to by the term obesity. This is a condition where the body accumulates more fat than is being processed or burned by the normal metabolism. In many cases, this can be genetic but in most, there is obviously a diet problem that needs to be reconsidered. Obesity is measured in what is called body mass index or BMI according to the fitness and medical circles. BMI is arrived at by dividing weight by height and then squaring the result. A BMI of 25-29kg/m is considered overweight. 

how dieting can affect weight loss

Obesity is dangerous. Medical research shows that the chances of a heart attack are exponentially increased the higher the BMI goes. People who are overweight also struggle with a myriad of other complications. For instance, obese people also have to deal with a low self-esteem because the general mass media pushes the image of the slim model as the ideal. Clothes are also had to find and one has to shop at special stores. More problems include sleep irregularities and the risk of a stroke.

How does diet help? Researchers and nutritionists report that there is a correlation between weight loss and dieting. Education is key. Reading the labels when shopping is recommended. There are some foods which have a higher calorie content than others and knowing this will put one in the right track. By education, we also mean that you should familiarize yourself with the food pyramid. You can easily access this at the food pyramid website which is supported by the Food and Drug Administration.

Dieting does not always mean starving yourself. It can mean that you are taking precautions as to what you eat. That means cooking with oils such as olive oil which has healthy fats and does not encourage fat accumulation. Animal fats should be avoided if possible.